• Our age range for the Summer Camp program is for children entering Pre-k through 8th grade.

    All campers must be 4* by their first day of camp. In addition to being 4 years old, all campers must also be fully potty-trained, able to speak up for their needs, and get through the camp day without a nap. Camp age limit is 13; if a camper turns 14 while attending summer camp, they may finish out the summer.

  • Our staff consist of teachers and Junior counselors. Our teachers are off duty CPS certified staff . Our Junior counselors are past students that attended the camp and are now Seniors in high school.

  • Every camper must have an adult over the age of 18 present at drop-off and pick up. Campers, with parent/guardian permission, are able to check themselves out at the end of the day. A consent form will be provided.

  • We will! Their will be a zoom orientation on 6/11/22. The link for zoom will be provided upon registration.

  • Each year, A.S.B is closed on July 4th.

  • Campers will be grouped as follows: Pre-k, K-2nd , 3rd-5th, 6th-8th.

    Ratio is 2 staff per 15 kids.

  • Refunds will only be provided in unforeseen circumstances. Refunds will be provided in a form of credit for the next session. In the event the camp has to close due to Covid mandates. Cash refunds will be provided to patrons that pre-paid.

  • We accept AFC from qualifying families based on verification of current income, as well as 2022 income and family size. Our AFC slots are limited and all forms must be approved before camp starts.

  • The Illinois mask mandate has been lifted. Masks are not required but are strongly recommended. The safety of each camper is our top priority.

  • Yes.